30.03.2020 Form 6

1. Name the words in pictures. Learn them.

2. Write down the new words in your vocabularies and learn them.

get on (a bus / a train /
 a tram / a plane /a  ship / a bike)
сідати в/на
get off (a bus / a train / 
a tram / a plane /a  ship / a bike)
сходити з
get in (a car / a taxi)
сідати в 
get out of (a car / a taxi)
виходити з
take a taxi (a train / a plane)
їхати на таксі 
(потягом / літаком)
catch / miss (a train / a plane /
 a bus)
сісти / спізнитись на 
(потяг / літак / автобус)
3. Do the following exercise online:

4. Read and translate  the text from exercise 1 at  page 144.
5.Do the exercise “Why do people travel?”

 6. Do the following exercise online.

7. Write an e-mail to me to tell about your attitude to travelling.
Mention the following information:
- whether you like travelling or not;
- why;
- how often you  travel and where;
- how  you usually travel.
Start like this:
Dear English Teacher,
I am writing to tell you about my attitude to travelling.
I like / don't like ...
And do you like travelling? I am looking forward to your letter.

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